
Through the Fire - SasuIno

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Through the Fire

“GO!” She just had time to see her two team-mates taking off in opposite directions before her jutsu activated and turned her world to darkness.

There are certain plants, the seed cases of which will only germinate after being exposed to fire. Thick outer protection keeps them safe from the flames, meaning they can survive exposure to even the most intense temperatures. And it was a case like this, which had formed around one Yamanaka Ino, shinobi of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, just in time to protect her from the fire style jutsu that had been aimed at her and her two companions.


“Go after them.” His eyes didn’t shift from the seed pod at the center of the rapidly cooling inferno. Not until after Suigetsu had departed did he turn his head so he could fix his unreadable scarlet gaze upon Karin. “I said go.” She hesitated only a moment longer, inwardly shrinking away from the expression on his handsome face, before she leapt into the trees in pursuit of her target. Karin would not, could not, disobey a direct order from him, no matter what. If he had asked her to cut out her own beating heart and hand it to him then she would have willingly done so. But she did not want to leave him alone with the third member of the Konoha team. She had felt the chakra spike when their eyes had locked and sensed the imminent danger.

He could kill her with ease; the redhead believed in her heart that her beloved could annihilate anyone he wished to. There had been times when his anger had been turned upon her and she had feared for her life. But what caused the jealousy and envy that swirled in her gut was the fact that she didn’t think her love wanted to kill the girl in question.

In the split second before the shinobi’s jutsu had taken effect she had seen the girl brightly lit by the flames and instinctively hated what she saw. Kunoichi we supposed to be lithe and lean, all taut muscles and hard lines. Natural born killers. They were meant to look as if they had been built to fight not to fuck.

The blonde’s body however had differed from the stereotype; her figure was fuller with a pleasing curve to both bust and hip. Her hair was long, far longer than was normally seen on female ninja and in a world of dark tones the pale silvery gold was all the more enticing. She put Karin in mind of the dancing girls she had seen working in certain bars. Cheap and common, something to be looked down upon. But she had also seen the way that the eyes of males looked at such girls.

The same way her Sasuke-kun had looked at the blonde Leaf Kunoichi.


“Well if it isn’t the scorned woman…” Uchiha Sasuke’s voice was slow and lazy, belying the emotions that churned within him as he watched the mind walker step out of the crumbling remains of the over sized seed case that had protected her from the flames he had created. It would be best for him if he remained cool and off handed with her. The girl he remembered hated to be ignored, so it would not be wise to let his feelings get the better of him.

“Heaven knows no rage, like love to hatred turned. Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.” Ino marveled at how calm her voice was. Over and over in her mind she had replayed this scene, where she would be the one to confront him, but never once had she dared to hope that she would feel so cool and in control.

Eyes, gleaming scarlet in the light from the dying ember, flicked over her body as she spoke. She was standing with her weight perfectly balanced, poised like a cat that watched a mouse hole. “But the truth is I never cared that you didn’t want me, I’d always known that it would only be a matter of time before you turned you back on me completely. But to betray Konoha…”

“Konoha!” And his decision of a moment before was forgotten as the well-known black wave of jealousy crashed into his psyche, drowning the valleys of his mind in the surging sable tide. Spitting out words like so much venom as he launched himself at her and attacked. “It’s always been the same with you hasn’t it, Yamanaka!? Always putting your precious little village before everything else! Before everyone else!”

“As opposed to you, who always put yourself first?!” The mind walker screamed, even as she silently cursed and threw several shuriken at Sasuke. He easily avoided them. She knew she wouldn’t be able to get her fingers to form the symbols she needed fast enough to be able to use any jutsu effectively against him.

“You know nothing about me, about what they put me through.” His voice dissolved into a feral scream as he dived once more at the Leaf shinobi. Ino only just managed to avoid the contact. “You can never know what that wretched place took from me.”

“Arrogant as ever I see.” Ino mocked as she danced just out of the path of his attack. And it really was a dance, a dance on quicksand and the blonde knew she was living on borrowed time, for as much as she hated and despised Sasuke, she knew he was far more skilled than she could ever be. “I know far more than you think… far more than you probably did up until recently.”

“You speak of Itachi?” Sasuke snarled and the light of confirmation in her eyes only made the resentment he felt double in intensity. The stream of flame he aimed at her missed her by less than a hair’s breadth. Ino felt the heat sting her skin as she frantically tried to put more distance between them.

“You dedicated your life to bringing down the one person who sacrificed everything he ever loved, for you. He prevented the outbreak of war, so that you would not have to face the horrors that war would bring.” Something akin to disgust clouded her tone and the contempt she felt shone clearly in her eyes. “And when you found out the truth you set out to destroy Konoha, the very place that your brother swore to protect!”

“Konoha, Konoha, Konoha!” He spat out the name as if the taste of it on his tongue made the bile rise in his throat.  “It always comes back to Konoha with you. It’s got you so blinded Yamanaka that you can’t even seen beyond its borders.”

“Why would I want to see beyond it? So that I could end up a traitor like you?” At the look on his face Ino wondered if maybe she had finally pushed him too far, but her mouth was running away with itself and she was powerless to stop it. “You turned your back on everything and everyone that ever cared for you. You almost killed your best friend, I don’t know how many times. Then you joined up with an organization that wants to capture, torture, and kill that same best friend. You’re beneath contempt Uchiha. I pity and despise you. And I’d rather die for my village right here and now, than live a life like yours.”

“They died to protect Konoha. They sacrificed everything for Konoha. They live for Konoha.” The Uchiha’s voice was a mocking singsong tone that cut across Ino’s mind like a knife across raw nerve. “But Konoha is nothing but a parasite that chews people up and then spits them out. It sucks you dry, and then casts you aside when you have nothing left to offer. It leaves nothing and takes everything.”

There was something manic in his eyes, something beyond the normal anger and hatred that the Yamanaka had associated with this Sharingan user. It was wild and savage, almost hypnotic. His face was hard and something in the orbs that glittered like chips of bloody ice caused Ino’s blood to run cold. And for a single moment she hesitated. And in that fateful instant Sasuke moved.

Ino gasped as all the air was knocked out of her body as she found herself being slammed back into the trunk of a tree, her head smacking painfully against the age hardened wood. She could feel the bark through her tight purple top and felt it scrap against the bare skin of her lower back. He had her trapped, caught like a caged rat between his body and the solid support of the tree.

The strange scent that could only be that of blood filled her nostrils. The heavy fabric of the Akatsuki cloak felt soft under her finger tips. How much blood had been spilled onto this cloak, Ino wondered. How much more was yet to be soaked up by this cloak? And would it now be her life’s blood that was spilt onto those scarlet clouds?

“How funny,” he drawled, his voice back to the smooth, controlled tone with which he had first addressed her. “The Akatsuki are hunting for a fox and I’ve just caught myself a vixen.”

“Kill me then! Go on!” Her voice now was a vicious gasp and her head was swimming due to the impact with which it had struck the tree. “Get on with it.”

“I’m not going to kill you Yamanaka.” Sasuke gave her an admonishing look, indicating that she should know better than to try and second-guess him. Ino tensed when he brought one hand up to brush away the bangs that always fell into her icy blue eyes, the touch of his callused fingers seeming to sear where they brushed against her cheek. “I’m going to burn your beloved little Konoha to the ground right before your pretty blue eyes.”

As those same eyes widened in terrified understanding, a smile started to play around his mouth, which was a dangerous playground for so innocent an expression. “I’m going to watch you as you have to stand and watch the flames take everything that you’ve ever loved away from you.”

“What are you talking about?” It was hatred that made her insides feel as if they were already engulfed by flame. It had to be hatred, because the possibility that it was anything else was one she would not entertain.

“Konoha, Konoha, Konoha.” But now he recited the name in a dreamy fashion as if knew something which she had been ignorant of and was now deciding to tell her. “It was always first with you. But when the flames have taken it, you won’t be able to deny it any longer Yamanaka. Through the fire you’re going to see the only thing you have left…”

“What would that be?” Ino couldn’t keep her voice from trembling as his thumb caressed the plump fullness of her lower lip. It was such a simple action, but in that setting it sent her heart racing partly from fear but also partly from excitement, as the feelings she thought long since buried fought their way to the surface.

“Me, my sweet Ino-chan.” His lips were a hair’s breadth from her own and there was nowhere for Ino to look except directly into those twin pools of gleaming scarlet. “I’m going to be the only thing that you have in the whole world. When the flames die, I will be your whole world.”
[link] You can fine Chanteara's picture (Spoils Of War) inspired by this story here.

I own nothing but the plot and my never ending love for this pairing.
© 2009 - 2024 Lamanth
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deiinolove08's avatar
Oww my Gawd the last part was so sweet!!